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Buckingham Exceptional Student Center is pleased to announce the achievement of Level 2 certification in Marzano High Reliability Schools™. Level 2 certification means Buckingham Exceptional Student Center has established “Effective Teaching in Every Classroom,” which focuses on the responsibility of both school leaders and teachers in ensuring high-quality instruction. The high reliability school (HRS) program was created by Marzano Resources to help transform schools into organizations that take proactive steps to ensure student success. Using a research-based five-level hierarchy, along with leading and lagging indicators, educators learn to assess, monitor, and confirm the effectiveness of their schools.

HRS level 2

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Edison Auto 

Freedom Boat Club

Florida Skin Care

Harry Chapin Food Bank

Junkanoo Below Deck

Kacey Reposa

Katie w/ Wax Center



Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc Eta Alpha Zeta  

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